
Archive for October 8th, 2008


Thats all I ever hear about anymore. What is all the hubbub with Facebook? I have always considered myself a young, hip, tech savvy person. But this facebook thing is just foriegn to me. I always thought it was like myspace, and I knew I really didn’t want to be in that crowd but I also did not want to be left in the dust in the whole social networking thing.

So I finally checked it out. I was amazed how many people I knew and respected already had profiles on it. It seems many people use it as means to keep track of business colleagues, social acquaintances, as well as friends old and new. I even found groups that were related to me personally such my mission, my favorite book, and my favorite toy. So I took the plunge, and created a profile. As I see it, Facebook is to a email what email was to snail mail. Its sort of like a living blog. I am just on the cusp of really understanding what it does, and how it keeps you in touch with people, but so far I’m intrigued.

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