
Archive for October 10th, 2008

I sold the Jeep today…

And yes, I am filled with many mixed emotions. It is rare that you can find a possession that brings you closer together as a family. The jeep was just that. Between the geocaching trips on a dusty road, to an evening ice cream run with the top down. We as a family grew closer together. We will always have great memories of the four of us (mom, dad, Kayla, Abbie) in the bouncing around in the jeep.

Unfortunately the jeep had some downsides. One of which was that it only seated four. Granted, 98% of the time it was just me in the jeep, but once Elijah came along we no longer could have our family trips. I have a friend that asked me why? And I told him that just like the MC Hammer pants I had in 1992, I had to at some point grow up and put them on the shelf of no return. So it is with the Jeep. Our family has grown, and our needs and desires are different. I would never trade those wonderful memories we had in the Jeep, but I love where our family is right now as well. Elijah has changed all the rules in our house…I wouldn’t have it any other way.

RIP Black Jeep…

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